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The Window of Joan of Arc Talks to the Window of St. Anne

Rouen, France

Once we were women                                   Now we are stained
windowpanes                                                  crimson-blood, blue-fire
We flash in the morning sun                       Come
let’s descend                                                   Faire la bise like friends
Kiss one cheek                                                then turn the other

I’ll carry your basket                                     to the marché
gather berries and greens                            Camembert and cider
We’ll talk of God and grief                            I burn with your loss

Before my time                                               after yours                  
the black shade was drawn                          tumors spots pus                                
Even a cat buried alive in the walls           could not stop the onslaught
Listen to the crunch of bones                       beneath our feet

O Plague! O War! O                                       Torment of Innocents!

In this flesh                                                     I am not strong enough
to survive more rising smoke                      Are you?

formatted image version

Kyle Potvin’s chapbook, Sound Travels on Water, won the Jean Pedrick Chapbook Award. She is a two-time finalist for the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award. Her poems have appeared in Bellevue Literary ReviewCrab Creek Review, Tar River Poetry, The New York Times, and others. Kyle lives in New Hampshire.

Issue 18 >