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Harnessing the Muse with Unlikely Duos

Creativity is often assumed to be a rare trait, the domain of artists and visionaries. We all have the capacity for creativity. It simply requires the ability to see things in new ways and to find solutions to problems that are innovative and effective.

The key to harnessing creativity is not necessarily to come up with original ideas, but rather to combine existing ideas in new and interesting ways. This process of recombination is what allows us to solve problems in novel ways and to create works of art that can inspire and delight.

Inventors and other creative professionals are always looking for innovative ways to solve problems. One of the best ways to do this is by thinking outside the box and combining unlikely duos.

For example, the Wright brothers were able to create the world’s first successful plane by combining their knowledge of aerodynamics with their passion for biking. By bringing together unlikely pairs, we can often come up with truly original solutions.

Let’s get to some writing!

  1. Start with a random picture and flick a book open, close your eyes, and point at a line. Or decide beforehand that you will choose page 17 and the 4th line. Don’t change it if possible. Once you have your two elements, write the first thing that comes to mind. There’s no wrong answer. Don’t worry about editing for now, and don’t second guess yourself. Just see where your ideas take you.
  2. Start a notebook with lists. These can vary from places you’ve been kissed, to favorite foods, to traits you’d want your kids to have. Anything is fair game. The trick here is to make several lists, let them amass over time, and then go back to them later with fresh eyes.

When you’re ready to write, go through a couple of lists and circle the items that jump out at you or the ones you’d like to explore in your writing. Pair items from different lists, and use these as springboards for your writing.

In his book The Art of Possibility, author Benjamin Zander talks about the importance of unlikely combinations. He argues that when we combine unlikely elements, we create something new and fresh.

This is just as true in writing as it is in other areas of life. When we pair unlikely things together, we find fresh ways to describe common experiences, and we can come up with unique perspectives on the world around us.

Miriam Calleja is a Maltese bilingual poet and wordsmith. She has three poetry collections: Pomegranate Heart, Inside, and Stranger Intimacy, and a collaboration titled Luftmeer. Her work appears in anthologies by Sentinel Quarterly, Indigo Dreams Publishing, and The Gloucestershire Poetry Society and is forthcoming in Modern Poetry in Translation.

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