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Arcadia Revisited

My true love has my heart and I have his
loyalty card to the burrito place
where they all know my order and they miss
me when I’m not on time to stuff my face.
That’s not to say that he took his heart back
and I did not—to have hearts is to waste
valuable space for stomachs filled with guac.
Love at first sight is cheap; love at first taste
is where the movies should be focusing,
or on the matchmaker of tongues and hips:
the checkout boy, who salivates and rings
me up, and asks if I want chips.
My true love has my heart and I have his
(loyalty card to the burrito place).


Jordi Alonso has an AB from Kenyon College and an MFA from Stony Brook University, and he is now a PhD candidate, the Gus T. Ridgel Fellow, at the University of Missouri. He is the author of Honeyvoiced, and edits poetry and translation at The Whale.


Issue 5 >